Wouldn’t It Be Something If Democrats Put On A Display of Real Democracy This Summer?

There are ways to turn the Biden crisis into a huge opportunity, if Biden and the DNC have the courage to do it

Steve Genco


Watching the fretting and agonizing of the Democratic Party as it weighs the devastating shock of Joe Biden’s debate performance is … agonizing.

Following the Supreme Court’s Presidential immunity decision, and their Chevron decision, and their “gratuities aren’t bribes” decision, and (of course) their Dobbs decision, it’s clear we have a bigger problem on our hands than a rogue Republican Party led by a vindictive and hateful narcissist.

We are now in the midst of a full-scale coordinated assault on our Constitution, the democratic principles and institutions it defines, and the rule of law it establishes.

The Confederacy has risen again, it has captured the Supreme Court, and it is now attempting to finish the job with one last electoral victory, earned or stolen (they don’t care), in order to “legitimize” their insurrection, end the USA as it has existed for almost 250 years, turn more than half of America’s population into second-class citizens (if citizens at all), and probably thrust the world into an fresh era of war and violence that civilization writ large may not survive.



Steve Genco

Steve is author of Intuitive Marketing (2019) & Neuromarketing for Dummies (2013). He holds a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University.