What I’ve Learned Writing About American Politics on Medium

Ultimately, it’s about racism and the self-destruction of the Republican Party

Steve Genco


A black and white photo of a classroom in the 1940s. Students are raising their hands enthusiastically, hoping the teacher will call on them.
Me, me, call on me! Source: Wikipedia

As the US prepares for the Final Battle between Good and Evil this November — a battle that will make Stephen King’s The Stand look like Goodnight Moon in comparison — I thought it would be useful to look back on my time here on Medium and consider what I’ve learned, if anything, about American politics in the four years I’ve been writing here.

Putting aside my early posts on marketing (I came to Medium originally to promote my book Intuitive Marketing), I have since 2020 submitted 75 posts. Almost half of those, 35 in total, have been about American politics. I can group them into six topic areas:

  • Political attitudes and beliefs
  • Republicans and the making of MAGA America
  • Donald Trump, mental illness, and the crisis of blind faith in America
  • Anti-democracy ambitions of the Republican Party
  • SCOTUS and the war on women
  • The fragility of American democracy

1. Political Attitudes & Beliefs

I spent several months in 2021 brushing up on my data analysis skills in order to…



Steve Genco

Steve is author of Intuitive Marketing (2019) & Neuromarketing for Dummies (2013). He holds a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University.