My too-long-to-be-a-comment response to Umair Haque’s “(How) Fascism Is When People Don’t Want You to Exist”

Yes, it’s scary, but it’s also crazy. And crazy seldom wins in the end.

Steve Genco


mage Credit: Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter. Also the top image on Umair Haque’s post on this topic.

I enjoy reading Umair as much as any of his 150K followers. I usually don’t comment because, you know, he’s usually right. But his latest offering, “(How) Fascism Is When People Don’t Want You to Exist” has inspired me to present an alternative narrative. If nothing else, I offer this as an example of how two people can see the same facts and come to vastly different conclusions.

Umair looks at these current machinations by the GOP and sees them as first steps in an impending fascist takeover of the US. I look at the same facts and see them as predictable steps in the inevitable demise of the Republican Party as a national political force.

I need to pick my words carefully here because the default response to what I’m about to say is “You blind fool! Can’t you see this is how these things start? Look at how Hitler started out! If you downplay the threat, you’re playing right into their hands!

For the record … I don’t want to downplay the threat, I agree that the GOP is now a fascist movement. Full stop. But I simply don’t think they are competent enough or smart enough…



Steve Genco

Steve is author of Intuitive Marketing (2019) & Neuromarketing for Dummies (2013). He holds a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University.