Deep Thoughts from Chairman Trump

A friendly reminder that this guy’s brain ain’t all there, and we might want to consider that before making him Emperor for Life

Steve Genco
10 min readMay 24, 2024


A photo of Donald Trump, probably taken during the 2016 presidential campaign, in which he’s raising his finger in the air and making a strange expression, a grimace. His mouth is forming an F sound.
Just another photo of Chairman Trump asking someone to pull his finger. Just kidding. It’s been reprinted thousands of times without attribution, so here it is again.

We’re not talking here about lies. We’re talking about stupid. Pure unadulterated stupid. Statements that only a profoundly stupid person could make (and of course, by making them, expose



Steve Genco

Steve is author of Intuitive Marketing (2019) & Neuromarketing for Dummies (2013). He holds a PhD in Political Science from Stanford University.